Tuesday, December 09, 2008

WHAT’S GOING ON?! (with Rebecca!)
A little update of the past, present and future of my ministry in Guatemala…

What Has BEEN Happening
Who: Rebecca When: This year Where: Guatemala Why: God’s calling
What: This year has been so exciting, with new ministry opportunities opening up almost every month! I have been invited to preach about missions in several churches throughout Guatemala (we have been praying the Lord would wake up an interest in the country!). I have become more involved with our Pastors’ Wives Bible Education Program – and I have so enjoyed speaking to these women whom God wants to use powerfully in their country, helping them understand how to study the Bible and how to teach it effectively. I have also been asked to join the leadership within my team – specifically looking at how to take better care of our latin missionaries, and how to recruit more Guatemalans for our team! Lastly, I have hosted/discipled several college-age students from the States who have come down for short-term experiences, hoping to find out more about how God might be calling them into long-term missions. Praise the Lord for all of these opportunities to touch hearts and lives!

What IS Happening?
Who: Rebecca When: Now Where: Colorado Why: God’s calling
What: As some of you know, a few months ago I decided to formally make the transition from “short-term” missionary with OC to “long-term” status. Although I have been with OC for four years (I celebrated my 4 year anniversary in September!), I have not yet made the complete transition, due to the time I would have to spend in the States to do so. The Lord confirmed recently that the time had come however, and the first step began in June, when I attended OC’s Internship (a month-long training intended for all long-term missionaries before heading to the field). I returned to Guatemala, excited to continue working with OC, but feeling rather emotionally burnt-out after 4 years on the field, and many ups and downs in ministry, with my team and in my personal life. My team counseled me that it might be the perfect moment to take the next step in my transition, which is essentially spending an extended amount of time here at home to raise support (a short-term budget is very different from a long-term budget). Therefore, with the blessing of my team, OC, my family, and Sunrise (my home church), I recently made that transition! I have been back in Colorado for about two months. I am currently working on the process of paperwork at OC, updating my supporters, deciding on a fund-raising strategy and will hopefully be working part-time as an interpreter and ESL teacher while I am here. My estimated time-frame is anywhere from 6 months to a year….depending on how God provides for my support. I look forward to personally sharing with each of you while I am back! I will be updating my blog more frequently now, and will post when I have a firmer idea of what OC is asking of me, both in this time and in order to return to the field. Thank you all for your continued support, prayers and interest in what the Lord is doing in and through me! Please do not let up in this time, as I will not be able to continue without it! (I will also be posting updated information on how to begin to/continue to support me financially)

This is me at Internship over the summer with the other girls in my mentor group!

What WILL Happen?
Who: Rebecca When: Next year Where: Guatemala Why: God’s calling
What: As the Lord has begun to open new doors in Guatemala this year, it was a little difficult for me to understand His timing in brining me back to the States now. However, as I think about returning, I know the doors will continue to open! As part of the training I received this past summer, I began to get a clearer idea of specifically how the Lord has equipped me to serve Him, and my ministry vision has become more defined. While back in the States, I hope to take advantage of resources and people to train myself for these new areas. In the future, I see myself continuing to pour into pastors’ wives in Guatemala, discipling young leaders in how to grow their own ministries, and developing materials and resources for children’s ministry (in Spanish as well as eventually in indigenous languages), missions development (to teach the church how to think about missions) and many other areas of need. Please continue to pray with me and partner with me financially in order to see these goals reached!

May the Lord bless you, also, as you continue seeking how to serve Him, and as together, we continue reaching out to touch a world in need. I hope to hear from you in this time while I am back, please be in touch!

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